Start your journey with TheLab by creating an account here.
Once you have submitted your email you will receive an email with instructions on how to setup your account.
After you have created your password visit your profile to update your account.
Before participating in TheLab activities, ensure you've signed our waiver.
Familiarize yourself with our guidelines to ensure a positive experience for everyone. By registering for an account you are agreeing to follow our rules and policies.
From the profile page you will have the options to choose a Monthly or Yearly membership. Once you have selected a membership you will be taken to Stripe to complete your purchase.
If you are ready to pay for the standard rate of $40/month, go right ahead and sign up. If you think you qualify for one of our discount rates, please come to our weekly open house on Tuesday Nights at 7pm, or message one of our leadership on our discord server.
We offer a discounted rate of $20/month for the following situations:
Your keyfob grants you 24/7 access to TheLab. Drop by an Open House or reach out on our Discord channel to arrange a pickup.